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Meeting Minutes – July 2016

July 2016 Minutes

CENTRAL COAST CHAPTER CLSA MEETING was held July 19, 2016 at 6:00 PM at Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo, CA

 CALL TO ORDER 6:15 PM (Cristi Fry)

Cristi Fry, President

David Karp, Vice President-absent

George Marchenko, Secretary/Treasurer

Jonathan Walsh, Immediate Past President

Ian McClain - State CLSA Board Director -

Robert Reese - State CLSA Board Director -

Mike Stanton - State CLSA Board Director

9 members and 4 non-members were in attendance at the meeting. No speaker, business meeting only.

 Review OF Ex Comm. meeting  (Cristi)

President Cristi Fry reviewed the June ‘SKYPE’ meeting of the Executive Committee:

  • PPC-Monument Conservation
  • Audio meeting only
  • Jeff Stephan resigned, Mr. Nelms stepped up
  • Parallax sponsorship

Mr. Marchenko motions that the Parallax sponsorship at $100 a year goes into effect. Mr. Morris second. 100% ayes.

Ms. Fry calls on Mr. Reese to review the Burgess report on CLSA bookkeeping audit. The new accountant, no wrong doing, nothing to do is their recommendation.


BBQ coming up in August. Kevin Irot will be a speaker this fall.


The current Chapter checking account balance is $ 6658.73.  Last month’s meeting  (May Trig*Star , Ed) saw expenses of $1883 and $420 collected.

Excomm met via Skype on June 18, 2016, see ExComm minutes.

Trig*Star cost us 1,700 more or less with about $1200 in donations. Thank you to all that contributed to it. I actually had fun with it this year.

Cristi Fry notes that the State Association is in the RED, and that CLSA has a plan to retain lapsed members.


Names sites for next year’s conference and costs with Reno being the clear $ winner. Board is considering holding conference at same site 2 years in a row to get a better deal.

Ian motions and Mr. Reese seconds that Chapter endorses Reno as preferred site. Mr. Marchenko mentions Bakersfield at which Mr. Walsh accuses him of liking Bako’ because it is a good town for Disc 9 (Frisbee) Golf. When faced with the truth, Mr. Marchenko shuts up and goes back to keeping minutes.



Our teacher Mr. Furbee of Morro Bay High went to the TwisT seminar. Mr. Marchenko motions that the Chapter ratify Excomm’s decision to donate $200 to Mr. Furbee. Mr. Karp seconds, motion carries 100%.


Announces 2017 Officers as being Marchenko as Sec. Tres. M. Fargen as VP and Dave Karp as President. Directors are Ian, Robert, Cristi, and Mike and TBD on who is an alternate.

Mr. Reese moves to approve slate of Officers, Ian seconds. 100% yes.


Victor Rasgado Jr. announces CSUF Geomatics Conference and invites any speakers/presenters to sign up.

Reese discusses upcoming election for State Officers and endorses the distinguished Mr. Nelms for 2017.

Mr. Marchenko motions lowering the number of monthly meetings and doing more meetings on Skype (Mr. Morris seconds):

Members who are out of the area on business or personal matters can attend.

It requires less driving saving time and money, less pollution.

Our current model is based on a pre-internet world, did you envision the internet? George’s taxicab driver brother did not.

Much discussion with input from Reese, McClain, Dave Karp and Paul Karp to name a few. Paul Karp suggests that Mr. Marchenko writes a proposal to amend our Chapter bylaws regarding the number of meetings, to be published the Parallax. Mr. Marchenko amends his motion to this and it passes 100% with Mr. Walsh abstaining.

Mr. Walsh discusses that Cal Trans Survey and Right of Way has moved back to the Higuera office.

Next meeting is the BBQ August 27


meeting  adjourned at 8:24 PM.